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In business, as in life, first impressions count. Get it wrong and a new customer could be a once-only affair. But get it right and odds are you'll have a loyal advocate for life. We show you how with these top tips.
Business-class email
When you receive an email from a strange-looking domain or even an email service (like .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)), what’s the first thing you do? Assume its spam (or something worse) and delete it, right? So it pays to make sure your emails are sent from a business address – like .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) – by setting up a custom domain.
Use an email signature
Every time you send an email, it should not only include your details but also market your brand. So make the most of the free advertising and use a professional-looking email signature to reinforce your unique selling points.
A modern website
Your website needs to not only look professional and elegant, but it needs to have fresh, relevant and compelling content. Software such as Microsoft’s Office 365 provide templates that allow you to build and update your site in minutes.
Online conferencing
When your employees, vendors and customers can all connect in a virtual meeting at any time from any device, when you can use instant messaging to communicate in real time with your customers or when you’re able to offer “click to chat” services, you immediately appear more professional. Office 365 comes standard with Lync, which provides a cost-effective video-conferencing solution to businesses of all sizes.
High-quality documents and presentations
Small businesses don’t need a designer to create professional-looking documents. Now cloud services offer banks of customisable templates, from sales proposals to event invitations, so you don’t have to waste time on formatting. Plus the latest versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint are filled with new ways to make your documents look like they were created by an agency.
Get social
Networking is an important part of any small business. And the beauty of social is that it’s largely free! Take advantage of sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to build awareness of your brand by participating in conversations where you can be relevant and add value.
Some email services now show social media information alongside emails to give small businesses more information about the people they are communicating with. For example, wouldn’t it be helpful to know that your brand-new customer loves golf, reads The Financial Review and volunteers at the local RSPCA?
Refresh your devices
Your devices say a lot about the investments you make in your business and how modern your approach is. So if your smartphone or PC looks like it just stepped off the set of The Brady Bunch, it’s time to think about projecting a more forward-thinking image. Have no fear though. These days you can buy really flash PCs that are a laptop and tablet in one for a very affordable price!
All these tips sound overwhelming and expensive, but they are actually very affordable and easy to set up. You don’t need to build a computer room filled with servers or spend hours learning HTML code to maintain your professional image.
Content sourced from Microsoft Australia. For more information visit